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Torre Pedregal Boulevard Adolfo Ruíz Cortines No. 3648 Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Delegación Álvaro Obregón C.P. 01900, México D.F.


  • Issue and monitor measures to ensure the prevention of crime, maintenance and restoration of public order and security in the area of competence of the institution;
  • Order and supervise the research to collect, analyze, study and process information leading to the prevention of crime and the prosecution thereof, in the purview of the institution;
  • Order and supervise the actions and operations for the prevention of crime and the prosecution of the same, in terms of the applicable requirements;
  • Issue the guidelines and policies, under which the institution will provide reports, data, technical and operational cooperation as may be required for any instance of the Federal, State, Federal District and municipal authorities of other countries in accordance with the procedures is necessary for the prevention of crime, either directly or by means of coordination under other federal laws and with full respect to other legal provisions applicable;
  • Issue guidelines for the planning, procurement, processing and use of information generated by the institution in terms of public safety to establish the information systems of the institution;
  • Request the appropriate judicial authority, in writing and through any medium, including those electronic and technological advances allowed under the authorization provisions to require licensees, permittees, telephone operators and all other marketing services in the field of telecommunications, satellite communications systems, information at their disposal, and georeferencing of mobile communications equipment in real time, to carry out the purposes of prevention of crime;
  • Request the appropriate judicial authority, in writing and through any medium, including those that allow electronic and technological advances, according to the provisions, the authorization for the interception of private communications in accordance with Chapter XI of the Law;
  • Witness, on a quarterly basis, to the competent judicial authority for destruction of the information resulting from the interventions referred to in Article 53 of the Law

    This authority may be delegated to the Chief of the Intelligence Division of the agreement published in the Official Journal of the Federation;
  • Authorize, in agreement with the Secretary, undercover operations and simulated users for the prevention of crime;
  • Establish, in agreement with the Secretary the reward system for prevention research and monitor their operation;
  • Issuing operational policy, regulation and functional as well as programs to be followed by areas of the institution;
  • Provide the information required by the competent authorities of the Secretariat;
  • Legally represent the institution in its capacity as an authority on police as decentralized administrative organ in accordance with applicable law;
  • Proposing to the Secretary the Annual Budget of the Federal Police;
  • Planning and structuring mechanisms and opportunities for comprehensive care to victims or witnesses of crime offended, promoting joint health with specialized institutions, including specific items regarding psychological, medical, legal and otherwise, conducting an effective coordination with all agencies and entities for the best care and protection to victims;
  • Manage and implement the budget of the institution, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations;
  • Celebrate contracts, agreements, and generally, all kinds of legal acts necessary for the development of the powers of the institution or in connection with the management of human, material and financial resources it has allocated;
  • Participate, in accordance with the applicable provisions, in the negotiation of international treaties to carry out the Federal Government in the prevention of crime, where it is required;
  • Sort, for purposes of public security, surveillance and inspection of the handling, transportation or possession of foreign trade wares and the media that carry them across the country;
  • Instruct, within the scope of its jurisdiction, verification tasks for the prevention of administrative violations;
  • Sort the supervision and inspection on entry and exit of wares and people at airports, seaports authorized for international traffic, in customs, tax areas, sections customs checkpoints and customs checkpoints, as well as for those purposes on handling, transport or possession of such goods anywhere in the country;
  • Order to inquiries under the General Law of Population;
  • Establish policies to control and monitoring devices in the imposition of sanctions for violations of laws and regulations relating to traffic on federal roads and bridges, as well as operating the federal motor carrier services, their ancillary services and private transportation when traveling in the land area of the general ways of communication;
  • Resolve, in consultation with the Secretary, the internal disputes that arise regarding the competence of the units with regard to the interpretation or application of this Regulation and the situations set forth therein;
  • Proposing to the Secretary the official location headquarters of the institution, the coordination state of the facilities at ports, borders and airports, the fixed points of verification and inspection, its territorial as well as the location of offices the institution abroad;
  • Authorize,in agreement with the Secretary, systems and procedures for monitoring and evaluation of the units of the institution;
  • Approve agreement with the Secretary, organizational structures, functional and command, that would meet the purposes of the institution;
  • Approve the Strategic Development Program of the institution;
  • Watch to give effect to the provisions of the Police Service Career;
  • Subscribe and issue certificates of grade level or homologous grade level to members of the institution, in terms of these Regulations and by the procedure laid down in the relevant manual;
  • Issue agreements and Manuals of the institution that they are responsible;
  • Approve the manuals, protocols and operating systematic procedures operational functions of the institution;
  • Delegate position, grade level or subject, and to authorize specifically to certain members of the institution, performing legal acts the powers inherent in this article gives you;
  • Approve the police professionalization program of the institution, in order to strengthen the academic proposals for the development of the Members;
  • Proposing to the Secretary the modifications of structure, personnel, equipment and other required for the proper performance of the functions of the institution, except in the case of the Internal Affairs Unit;
  • Authorize, in agreement with the Secretary, information systems project the public image and institutional support required for the tasks and activities of the institution;
  • Establish policies for managing information related to media and public attention;
  • Certified copies of documents in the filesat his office;
  • Sort the distribution of staff of the institution, except in the case of the Internal Affairs Unit;
  • Issue, in agreement with the Secretary, the appointment of members or officers in administrative positions in the organizational structure of the institution to resolve Deputy Director General and the conclusions thereof, respecting the inherent rights and police grade to the police profession, except If the Internal Affairs Unit;
  • Authorize changes in assignment of members, according to the needs of the service, except in the case of the Internal Affairs Unit, and
  • The other powers conferred by these Regulations and other applicable laws or those assigned by the immediate superior of whom he is dependent.

Mission. Prevent and combat crimes, in compliance with the legal framework, committed and qualified staff, in coordination with the three levels of government that favors citizen participation, to safeguard the integrity and rights of individuals and institutions through programs and actions schemes developed intelligence and advanced technology, to give confidence and certainty to society.

Vision. Being a committed institution with the society in crime prevention and combating of crime, which preserves the integrity and heritage of the people, peace and public order and the rule of law, whose performance this attached to the principles of legality, efficiency, professionalism and honesty, with full respect for human rights.

Last Modified: 20 de Diciembre de 2012 18:14 hrs.
por: General Directorate of Social Communication

Secretary of Public Security, MÉXICO - SOME RIGHTS RESERVED © 2010 - PRIVACY POLICY


Constituyentes Ave. #947 Col. Belen de las Flores, Del. Alvaro Obregon
Mexico, D.F., Phone (55) 1103 6000
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